
A snazzier (hotter?) variation of the text scroller ...

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

v 2.0722.1999

What's new for v 2.0722.1999

Parameter descriptions:

Parameter name Brief description Valid range Default
TextURL Location of the text file containing the lines that will be burnt. Can be a relative address or complete URL. n/a FireApplet.txt
ImageURL Location of an optional background image. Can be a relative address or complete URL. n/a (none)
LinkURL Location of a web page that you would like the applet to link to when clicked. If you need to target another frame in your page, place a comma after the link address, followed by your target frame name. Eg: ',MainFrame' would cause the applet to link to BluesNews and put the page in the frame named 'MainFrame'. n/a My site
DecayRate The rate at which the fire decays. The higher the value, the faster it decays (generally, higher values result in shorter flames). >0.0 0.5
Delay The delay (in milliseconds) between fire updates. The smaller the value, the faster the flames rise. >0 10
Font The font face to use to display the text. n/a Arial
Size The size of the text. >0 20
Bold If this parameter is 1, the text will be bold. 0 or 1 0
Italic If this parameter is 1, the text will be italicised. 0 or 1 0
Coals If this parameter is 1, a bed of coals will smolder, causing rising fire from the ground. 0 or 1 1
BurnInside If this parameter is 1, fire will burn inside the text (or logo image if supplied). 0 or 1 0
FadeText If this parameter is 1, the text will be gradually faded towards the background colour. 0 or 1 0
Deviation This is a value which determines how vigorously the flames burn. The lower the value, the more flames. >0 10
Scatter How much horizontal pixel deviation there is. 0 for no deviation. Gives the appearance of wind if the value is greater than 0. 0 to 255 0
FgColour The colour the text will appear 000000 to FFFFFF FFFFFF
BgColour This is the colour of the background when 'BurnInside' is specified. 000000 to FFFFFF 000000
FireColour This parameter contains four colour values separated by commas. The fire, during it's life-cycle, goes through four major colour changes. The colour fades from value 1 to value 2, then from value 2 to value 3, from value 3 to value 4 and finally from value 4 to whatever was specified as the background colour. See below for some examples of FireColour you could use. 000000 to FFFFFF BgColour