A much more sophisticated text scroller...

(please be patient...it takes a while to load)

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v 1.0403.1999 (alpha)

This applet is not yet complete as I'm constantly adding new features to it. When it's at the stage that I can confidently say it's finished, I will add a link here so you can download it and use it. Though I haven't decided whether it will be free yet or not ;)


More features will become available as I add them.

HTML code that produced the above effect:

<applet code="LEDSign.class" width="402" height="82">
<param name="DisplayWidth" value="100">
<param name="DisplayHeight" value="20">
<param name="DotSize" value="2">
<param name="ScriptURL" value="LEDSign.txt">

Parameter descriptions:

Parameter name Brief description Range Default
ScriptURL Location of the script text file that defines what the applet will do. n/a none
DisplayWidth The width (in dots, not pixels) of the display. n/a 100
DisplayHeight The height (in dots, not pixels) of the display. n/a 20
DotSize The size (in pixels) of each dot. The dot size is the width and height of each dot. 1 to 10 2
Debug If enabled, produces script debugging output in the Java console. Mainly useful for determining the pixel lengths of strings. Once you've tried to make a semi-complete script you will find out why this is useful :) 0 or 1 0