
A more interesting text scroller ...

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v 1.0309.1999 (preliminary)

HTML code that produced the above effect:

<applet code="Readout.class" width="320" height="240">
<param name="ImageURL" value="Readout.jpg">
<param name="TextURL" value="Readout.txt">
<param name="Screen" value="70,44,177,126">
<param name="Speed" value="100">
<param name="BgColour" value="000000">
<param name="Font" value="Arial">
<param name="Size" value="12">
<param name="Colour" value="00ff00">
<param name="Bold" value="0">
<param name="Italic" value="0">

Parameter descriptions:

Parameter name Brief description Range Default
TextURL Location of the text file containing the lines that will be scrolled. Can be a relative address or complete URL. n/a none
ImageURL Location of an optional image to display behind the scrolling text. As above, can be a relative address or complete URL. n/a none
Font The font face to use to display the text. n/a Arial
Size The size of the text. n/a 12
Bold If this parameter is 1, the text will be bold. 0 or 1 0
Italic If this parameter is 1, the text will be italicised. 0 or 1 1
Colour The color of the text (in html-style hexadecimal - rrggbb). 000000 to ffffff 000000 (black)
BgColour The background colour (if no image is specified) (in html-style hexadecimal - rrggbb). 000000 to ffffff ffffff (white)
Speed The delay between scroll updates (in milliseconds). 1 to 10000 50
Screen The dimensions of the screen (box where text is to be scrolled). Dimensions are in X,Y,Width,Height format. 1 to 10000 50