
A nice bump-mapped logo ...

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v 1.0525.1999

Images used to create the above effect:

Spotlight colour map

Spotlight bump map

HTML code that produced the above effect:

<applet code="Spotlight.class" width="140" height="50">
<param name="ImageURL" value="SpotlightColour.jpg">
<param name="BumpURL" value="SpotlightBump.gif">
<param name="SpotColour" value="ffffff">
<param name="SpotDelay" value="30">
<param name="SpotSize" value="64">
<param name="SpotXFreq" value="2">
<param name="SpotYFreq" value="3">

Parameter descriptions:

Parameter name Brief description Range Default
ImageURL Location of the image that will be bumped. n/a none
BumpURL Location of the image that will be used to create the bump. n/a none
LinkURL Location of a web page that you would like the applet to link to when clicked. If you need to target another frame in your page, place a comma after the link address, followed by your target frame name. Eg: ',MainFrame' would cause the applet to link to BluesNews and put the page in the frame named 'MainFrame'. n/a My site
SpotDelay Delay (in milliseconds) between image updates. 0 to 10000 40
SpotSize The size of the spotlight. 1 to ImageWidth 64
SpotColour The colour of the spotlight (in HTML colour format - rrggbb). 000000 to ffffff 7f7f7f (gray)
SpotXFreq The X axis frequency of the spotlight. 0 to 100 1
SpotYFreq The Y axis frequency of the spotlight. 0 to 100 2