
Your basic text scroller dealie ...

Sorry, but your browser doesn't seem to support Java
<param name="Align" value="left">

Sorry, but your browser doesn't seem to support Java
<param name="Align" value="center">

Sorry, but your browser doesn't seem to support Java
<param name="Align" value="right">

v 1.0525.1999

HTML code that produced the above effect:

<applet code="TextScroller.class" width="250" height="50">
<param name="TextURL" value="TextScroller2.txt">
<param name="ImageURL" value="TextScroller2.jpg">
<param name="Font" value="Arial">
<param name="Size" value="12">
<param name="Bold" value="0">
<param name="Italic" value="1">
<param name="FadeText" value="1">
<param name="Colour" value="000000">
<param name="BgColour" value="ffffff">
<param name="Speed" value="70">


Parameter descriptions:

Parameter name Brief description Range Default
TextURL Location of the text file containing the lines that will be scrolled. Can be a relative address or complete URL. n/a none
ImageURL Location of an optional image to display behind the scrolling text. As above, can be a relative address or complete URL. n/a none
LinkURL Location of a web page that you would like the applet to link to when clicked. If you need to target another frame in your page, place a comma after the link address, followed by your target frame name. Eg: 'http://www.bluesnews.com,MainFrame' would cause the applet to link to BluesNews and put the page in the frame named 'MainFrame'. n/a My site
Font The font face to use to display the text. n/a Arial
Size The size of the text. n/a 12
Bold If this parameter is 1, the text will be bold. 0 or 1 0
Italic If this parameter is 1, the text will be italicised. 0 or 1 1
Align Specifies how the text is to be aligned. Possible alignments are left, right and center. Left, Right or Center Center
FadeText If this parameter is 1, the text will be faded towards the top and bottom of the scroller window. 0 or 1 1
Colour The color of the text (in html-style hexadecimal - rrggbb). 000000 to ffffff 000000 (black)
BgColour The background colour (if no image is specified) (in html-style hexadecimal - rrggbb). 000000 to ffffff ffffff (white)
Speed The delay between scroll updates (in milliseconds). 1 to 10000 50
RunOnce If this parameter is 1, the applet will scroll the text once only and then stop. 0 or 1 0